Welcome Auto Dealerships

Lot.net is a Automotive search engine capable to list your cars directly from your website to increase First generation users traffic on your Dealership website. Here is the list of IP address to be white- listed before listing your cars directly from your website.

  1. LotBot : lot.net
  2. Version : 1.0
  3. User-Agent : LotBot
  4. Bot Type : Good
  5. Category : Automotive Search Engine
  6. Obeys Robots.txt : Yes
  7. Obeys Crawl Delay : Yes
  8. User-Agent String : Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; LotBot/1.0 ; lot.net )
  9. Reverse DNS suffix : lot.net

List of LotBot IP Ranges :
Here is the list of IP ranges we are crawling from :

Note: Please whitelist these IP address to List your car on lot.net with you Domain controller. if you are using Cloudflare , you can whitelist from security section of Cloudflare.

Please use the individual IPs below.
